
B in the City

Breuninger is taken care of on two levels: on the one hand, the marketing department by supplying them in part with fashion texts, text production for mailings and new ideas for the eleventh house in the Kö-Bogen building in Düsseldorf. And on the other hand, we support the corporate communication in the area of strategic consulting. Whether it’s the topping-out ceremony for the Kö-Bogen or a cooperation with the NRW Forum for Culture and Business on the internationally relevant Rankin photo exhibition or press support for Fortuna –  we assist Breuninger with its start at the Kö-Bogen designed by Daniel Libeskind.

Our Services

  • Text Production, Mailings & Press Releases
  • PR Consulting
  • Fashion PR for the NRW area
  • Development of communication modules
  • local networking in Düsseldorf
  • Sponsoring
  • Press Events
  • TV productions in cooperation with our partner Think Big Media
  • Media cooperation
  • Evaluation

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