Vertical Gallery

Artwork in Companies

How important art is becoming for and in companies, is demonstrated by E.ON in its administration building in Essen to which the company relocated in 2010. Around 200 works from the power company’s art collection transform the modern functional building into a generously proportioned, unique presentation space for art. The over 200 art works that can be seen today in Essen, all originate from the E.ON art collection. The complete collection consists of a total of 1,800 works.

Kunst fuer Obdach
Kunst fuer Obdach


For several years now, E.ON has been organizing art exhibitions with the goal, to encourage employees as well as visitors to buy art – most recently with and for “fiftyfifty” in favor of Düsseldorf’s homeless people. The motto: “Buy art. Help homeless people”. Among the artists who donated works were international big names such as Gerhard Richter, Thomas Ruff, Candida Höfer, Katharina Sieverding and Wim Wenders as well as a number of aspiring young talents like Chris Succo, Christian Awe, Sebastian Riemer and Pieter Hugo.

Our Services

  • Development of a 360 degree PR campaign
  • Classic press and publicity work for art/culture
  • Launches of protagonists
  • Interviews with artists
  • Accompanying publictiy work
  • Press Conferences
  • TV productions
  • On site press support on vernisage opening night
  • Clipping Evaluation
Kunst fuer Obdach
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